How The U.S. Could Transform Global Liquefied Natural Gas

October 12, 2018

In the years ahead, to me, there will be no more interesting energy market in the world than the booming liquefied natural gas (LNG) trade. Starting exports in February 2016, the U.S. will be an increasingly larger player in LNG, an export bonanza that's likely second to the shale production revolution as the most transformative development in the history of the U.S. natural gas market.

Natural gas is the go-to source of energy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and backup intermittent wind and solar. Now, I'm not saying any energy source is "bad" (all have their good attributes), but gas will be leaned on most heavily to meet new energy demand. This explains why the major oil companies are now promoting themselves as major gas companies.

By the end of next year, the U.S. will have tripled its LNG export capacity to ~10 Bcf/d, or some 25% of the current global market. We are the emerging LNG supplier...

Read entire article at Forbes.

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